We provide truly exceptional NLP Facilitator Training and exclusive Training in the breakthrough Inner Technology of Inner Mind Sourcing™ – IMS™
We also offer exceptional Training in Natal and Past-Life Regression Therapy. We Train NLP Practitioners, Hypnotherapists, Counselors and Life Coaches, Massage Therapists and Other Healing Practitioners.
To Enroll in one of our Courses or get more information, or to schedule Private Sessions with Patrick in his Santa Fe Office or over the phone, Please call or text Patrick: 505.577.1436.


Our 10-day NLP Certification Training truly is Exceptional! Because of the material it covers and the in-depth manner in which it is taught and practiced within class, as well as the UNIQUELY Powerful Processes developed by Patrick Singleton. Students often rave about their personal transformations as much as they do about the course itself and what they learn during the training. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the kind of breakthroughs you will be able to share with your clients as a result of having gone through the processes yourself. To learn more, visit our NLP Training.
IMS™ creates positive change in people by using more of their own inner resources to make and maintain the changes. It broadens the scope of change and makes it accessible to people who are more kinesthetic or auditory, as well as for people who are highly visual. And IMS makes entering an altered state easier and less intimidating than many traditional trance inductions. This means that IMS™ is faster than traditional Hypnotherapy and more thorough and flexible than NLP alone.
IMS™ creates powerful changes in how people act and respond to life, by using the abilities of the Inner Mind to truly change the way they think and feel – automatically. This creates a happier, more successful, more empowered life!
Makes powerful Resources available when you need them most:
Imagine being able to instantly ‘Turn On’ a feeling of Confidence or Calmness for a meeting, presentation or public speaking, or for an exam. Or imagine being able to easily get motivated to do things that really need to be done, but that you don’t enjoy or tend to avoid.
How many people would like to have that ability?
With IMS™ it can be set up Ahead of time, for when a Client needs it most, and doing this is so easy using IMS™
Eliminates unreasonable fears, doubts and even phobias:
Imagine helping someone overcome a fear that has held them back from doing something they really want to achieve…
Just imagine helping someone become Free of a strong fear of things like heights, flying, water, snakes, dentist visits, needles or elevators etc…
Do you think people need that assistance and are willing to pay for it? You bet they are!
These types of fears can truly be eliminated using IMS™
Helps recover from traumatic experiences & move forward in positive ways:
Imagine helping someone really Let Go of a traumatic event, no matter when it happened.
Imagine doing this in a way that’s Easy – without them having to feel those feelings again.
Yet they retain anything important they learned as a result, like what kinds of things to avoid.
This happens all the time, using IMS™
Increase Self-Confidence by Recovering Essential Truths about Someone:
Imagine helping someone get totally Free of a belief that they’re just – ‘not good enough,’ or
unlovable or unworthy, etc…
Imagine what it’s like for them to discover for sure, that they actually Are ‘Good Enough,’
Lovable, Worthy, Strong or Intelligent’…
How much do you think that would be worth to someone?
If they really Knew they were Intelligent, Lovable, Worthy or Good Enough?
Making these kinds of changes is one of the most important things that IMS™ does for people, and it works extremely well.
Assists Anyone to be Focused and Motivated where they really Need to Be:
With IMS you can get someone’s goals in alignment with their Beliefs, Values and Actions, so that they have everything they need (inside) to do what it takes to achieve whatever is important to them.
Having that kind of Inner Alignment is like having ‘the wind in your sails’ to move anyone towards achieving their goals and dreams, and IMS™ can create that Inner Alignment.
Resolves Relationship Issues:
Imagine really helping someone heal and resolve all kinds of relationship issues.
How many people need that?
IMS can also help people regain positive feelings they had earlier in a relationship, help them understand a partner better, or if the relationship has ended or needs to end, and a person needs help letting go, IMS can do that.
All of these things are possible using the inner technology of IMS™
Gets Rid of Negative Habits and Emotional Reactions:
Imagine really helping people to stop doing habits they want or need to stop.
These kinds of changes are one of the most commonly requested issues that people seek assistance to change.
How many people need that?
Because of the way the mind works, these behaviors can be rechanneled to more positive ways of acting and responding.
Gets Rid of Limiting and Outdated Beliefs that Could Be holding Anyone Back:
Beliefs affect everyone, yet they’re practically invisible unless you know how to look for them.
They tell us what’s possible or not possible, or what something means or doesn’t mean.
Because beliefs can be about Anything, they affect every area of life in positive and negative ways.
Changing Beliefs for the better is one of the most powerful things we can assist clients to do, in order to improve any area of their lives.
IMS™ makes changing Beliefs for the better a very simple and powerful thing to do.
Installs positive beliefs to empower you to lead the life you really want:
What if you could actually decide what to believe about something, especially if the new belief was more positive and useful to have?
Normally the majority of our beliefs are formed way before we have the life experience or mental maturity to really understand whatever we’re deciding something about. As a consequence of that, many of our beliefs aren’t very accurate, positive, or useful.
With IMS™ we can help you choose beliefs that are more accurate, positive and useful to have. The technology of IMS™ allows us to ‘install’ those beliefs (with your consent) in a way that makes them strong and useful over time.
Integrative Hypnotherapy is a 200 hour course offering independence, flexibility, and support

Because he’s performed over 3,000 sessions with people and has over 17 years of experience using, refining and teaching many of these methods.
Because of this experience, he understands what’s possible in terms of creating and sustaining positive change in people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Because he created IMS™ and Creative NLP Solutions™ out of years and years of experience with Students and Clients.
IMS™ is so effective because it’s based on understanding how the mind really works. These tools are primarily based in NLP, the most powerful inner technology ever developed for creating and sustaining positive change, but IMS also draws from ideas and methods taken from Clinical Hypnotherapy, Quantum Physics and Spirituality as well as years and years of experience using and teaching NLP and Hypnotherapy to people from all over the world.
And most of all, because Patrick truly IS the kind of Trainer students RAVE about. He teaches with energy, warmth, intuition, deep insight and quick humor, generously sharing his many years of experience and his Heart with you. His classes bring breakthroughs for many students because he totally encourages you to participate in what’s possible for you, and thus for your clients.
ALENA, FARLEY, FIONA and KYLE comment after their IMS class
Upcoming WORKSHOPS in Santa Fe, NM 2021 TBA!
What is Inner Mind Sourcing?
Inner Mind Sourcing is a new approach to creating change with people, that awakens their inner resources to be healthier and happier every day. We provide and specialize in NLP Facilitator Training, Past-Life Regression Therapy and Hypnotherapists Training.
IMS uses NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Clinical Hypnotherapy to tap into the talents, abilities and good qualities that people have, and makes them much more accessible in all kinds of situations. Inner Mind Sourcing also makes it possible to replace bad habits and behaviors, and negative responses and feelings, with positive and effective ways of acting, feeling and responding to life.
Founder, Patrick Singelton, CCHt, MPNLP, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Hypnotherapy Insrtuctor by the A.C.H.E, and as a Master Practitioner of NLP by NLP Comprehensive.
What services does Inner Mind Sourcing offer?
We provide NLP Facilitator Training, Past-Life Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapists Training. Our current one-hour courses are as follows:
Inner Mind-Sourcing
1 hour: Inner Mind-Sourcing Sessions are more complete and in depth than just hypnotherapy or NLP by itself. I’ve done thousands of Sessions since 1997
Hypnotherapy and NLP Sessions
1 hour: I work with all kinds of issues. Have been seeing clients for 21 years Despite what it says below, the average Session length is about 90 minutes
Do you have any reviews?
Yes! We have many positive reviews on our NLP Facilitator Training, Past-Life Regression Therapy, Hypnotherapists Training. Here is a sampling of a few of our many positive reviews:
Kristen Jaslowich says:
Patrick is amazing!!! Changed my life in 1 session. Strongly recommend!
Peter Hey says:
Patrick was one of the teachers during my certification as a hypnotherapist. Later, I did 9 months if personal work (sessions) with him. An exceptional teacher and human being!!
How can we contact you about your NLP Facilitator Training, Past-Life Regression Therapy and Hypnotherapists Training services?
Have a question on our NLP Facilitator Training, Past-Life Regression Therapy or Hypnotherapists Training services? Please feel free to contact us at any time. You can reach Patrick directly at: or by phone at 505-577-1436. We look forward to hearing from you! We provide and specialize in quality NLP Facilitator Training, Past-Life Regression Therapy and Hypnotherapists Training. Contact us soon!