NLP began as the study of excellent communicators in therapy, with the idea of uncovering exactly what these exceptional people did to achieve their outstanding results. The developers of NLP were so successful that they created new models of how thoughts and behaviors work, which make it possible to uncover the exact mental processes to achieve any humanly attainable result, or to modify a person’s mental processes to easily change behaviors and responses for the better. This has led to the creation of many effective techniques for working with all kinds of issues, including:
- Developing & maintaining rapport, and improving communication skills
- Converting limiting beliefs to positive and useful beliefs
- Converting bad habits and negative behaviors into positive ways of being
- Successfully healing all kinds of relationship issues
- Clearing many common Allergies
- Clearing all kinds of fears and even debilitating phobias
- Overcoming procrastination and creating dynamic motivation
- Creating inner congruence for starting and completing goals
- Converting “stuck” feelings into powerful resource states
- Teaching people how to tap into the excellence of someone they admire
- Assisting people to tap into their own wellspring of internal resources
- Finding the origins of problems so they can be thoroughly cleared
- Assisting people to let go of unhealthy attachments to people
- Assisting people to really heal from traumatic experiences
NLP also includes detailed information about language and its influence on behavior and performance in a variety of settings
NEURO: The nervous system interprets data coming in through the senses and then represents it in the mind, using representations of the senses. Our neurology responds to these internal representations as if they were real.
LINGUISTIC: Language allows us to assign meaning to our experiences by giving us symbols to represent, define, and classify them. The body’s neurology responds to language as if it too, were real, instead of symbolic of actual experience.
PROGRAMMING: The structure and organization of our internal representations (words, images, sounds and feelings). Our exact internal words, images, and sounds create corresponding results in feeling, behavior, and outcomes. In essence ‘programming’ is the software which governs our habitual feelings and responses and the behaviors which arise out of those feelings.