SANDY DRENNER, CHt, C-NLPS, IMS-F    Sandy Drenner is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Medical Support Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP Practitioner and IMS Facilitator. Sandy and her husband, Monte own and operate MTC Counseling in the Orlando, Florida area. Monte is a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner and Certified Addictions Counselor. Together Sandy and Monte offer a unique service, combining and tailoring therapies for specific needs in clients.

Using a combination of all trainings, Sandy assists those with trauma issues, stress reduction, addictions of various kinds and spiritual connections. It is Sandy’s desire to aid those seeking positive change, particularly those stuck or trapped in negative memories, behaviors and patterns.  

Find SANDY:  Orlando, Florida  


Nicolette Eus is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP Practitioner, IMS Facilitator, and Hatha Yoga teacher, with a private practice in Vancouver, BC.  Using proven practices, she teaches a variety of practical techniques and tools that help people reduce stress and anxiety in their daily lives.  Her intention is to help people discover a deeper understanding of how their thoughts affect their body can how they can mindfully begin to feel more empowered, relaxed and peaceful. Find  NICOLETTE:  Vancouver, BC.  Mobile:   604.649.5108    Visit:         Join her on Twitter:  Recent interview: